IOT radar deployed by canal and river trust to remote monitor flow on V Notch weir

Canal and River trust UK deploy Vega AIR 42 Automonous radar measurement instruments to monitor flow across multiple remote locations.

The Vega Air 42 full autonomous level instrument are battery powered (upto 10 year battery life) IIOT sensors communicating their measured values to the cloud wirelessly requiring neither expensive cabling or internet access, ideal for remote challenging applications. Light weight and flexible mounting solutions make this an easy to fit and deploy measurement device. The Vega Radar sensor utilizing 80Ghz technology enables unique radar beam focusing with wide dynamic range resulting in +/-2mm accuracy and best equipped to deal with adverse process conditions including webs, dirt build up, condensation etc. The high accuracy and repeatability of these devices are ideal for flow rate and total flow measurements over all weir and flume profiles.

All data was transferred continuously from the devices to the Vega cloud based inventory system for real time and trended data as well as configured alerts to key personal.